At a street corner in Dawson County, Georgia, Sergeant Randy Harkness noticed a homeless man pleading for money.
He decided to give the man a ride to the closest gas station and give him some cash for food because he felt sorry for him.
However, the homeless man began assaulting Harkness as soon as he got inside the car.
He was scratching his face and hitting him like a crazy person. Sergeant Randy was completely taken aback by that behavior, which he had not anticipated.
He suffered facial injuries during the attack, but he wasn’t going to stop until something worse occurred.
A bystander suddenly became aware of the attack and took prompt action. She hurried over to the sergeant while lawfully carrying a gun.
The homeless man fled after she fired one shot, but she struck the suspect with the second.
That someone was there to assist him and put their life in danger to save him made Randy Harkness very happy.
The woman was referred to as a hero by the Dawson County Sheriff.
She is a hero, in my opinion,” Sheriff Jeff Johnson told Fox 5 Atlanta. She may have saved this officer’s life, in my opinion. The extent to which the suspect would have carried out the assault is unknown to us.