Once known as the “most beautiful twins in the world,” Ava and Leah Clements have captured the hearts of millions, amassing an Instagram following of over 1.8 million fans. Their mother, Jaqi Clements, shared with BuzzFeed how quickly their online fame skyrocketed after she started their account.
“When they were born, they were nicknamed ‘beautiful,’” Jaqi recalled. It seems the world agreed. “Around six months after creating their Instagram, they already had nearly 150,000 followers. Then the Daily Mail published an article on them, and things took off from there.”
From that initial boost, their popularity soared, reaching over 1 million followers. Today, the number stands at an impressive 1.8 million and continues to grow rapidly.
“This past year has been really fun and exciting for Ava and Leah,” Jaqi said. “Whether it’s private shopping experiences, gifted merchandise from global brands, or meeting fans, the girls have had an amazing journey. But above all, what means the most to them is the friendships they’ve made along the way.”
Despite their rising fame, Jaqi ensures her daughters maintain a balanced childhood. She prioritizes their education and well-being while allowing them to enjoy the opportunities that come with their success. “Any jobs they book through Instagram are scheduled on weekends or after school so they don’t miss class,” Jaqi explained. “For jobs booked through their agency, there is always a teacher on set to assist with their schoolwork.”
Living two hours away from Los Angeles means a lot of driving for the Clements family. Jaqi makes sure to keep the experience enjoyable, even on busy workdays. “If they only work for a few hours, sometimes I’ll surprise them with lunch, dinner, or a fun outing with one of their friends in LA,” she said. “On days they aren’t working, they go to school, swim practice, dance class, or play outside with their neighborhood friends.”
he said.
The twins’ modeling journey officially began when they turned seven. Jaqi felt it was the perfect time to introduce them to the industry. “I’m a big believer in signs, and I’ve always thought of 7 as a lucky number,” she told the Daily Star. “I just knew this year would be fun and exciting for them.”
As Ava and Leah continue to charm the world with their beauty and charisma, Jaqi remains grounded, ensuring their childhood is filled with fun, play, and care-free moments. She feels blessed to be their mother and is committed to giving them the best of both worlds.
riends in the neighborhood,” she added.
We wish these stunning sisters a joyful and memorable childhood, surrounded by love, laughter, and endless opportunities!
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