Everyone seems to be trying to sell you a course, coin, workout, or protein powder while yelling about how difficult life will be for you if you don’t, and there is hardly any movement that isn’t extremely toxic, exploitative, and misogynistic.
The first chomping bite is coming out of you as the ugly side of capitalism has emerged. Both a six-pack and gentleness are essential.
Women need to be protected, but you must realize that they are not in need of you. You’re the worst person ever if you’re afraid of getting a girl pregnant, but you also need to lose your virginity. I’m sure you think we despise you.
When you’re just trying to be a decent guy and move on with your life, I know it must be awful to read things like “men are trash.” As a young woman who has persevered through school, college, and the workforce and who grew up surrounded by young men going through similar struggles as you, here is my advice.