Donna Mills, a talented actress, put acting on hold at middle age and became a full-time mother to her daughter, Chloe. Unhindered, she found love with Richard Holland, ex-husband of musician Chaka Khan, and they had a child together.
Holland and Mills, a rock guitarist and advert executive, had a 20-year, seemingly unlikely relationship. Mills was active, motivated, and cared for her son, Damian, despite Holland’s perceived golddigger status.
Actress Mills adopts daughter Chloe at 54, remodeled home, and initially postponed family due to work and missing child. Feeling fulfilled and responsible, they remodeled their $1.5 million home.
Actress Chloe Mills, who was adopted four days early, has a strong bond with her daughter, Chloe Mills. With a net worth of $9 million, she advises early career start-ups. She’s dating musician Bailey Joshua.
In 2001, actress Mills rekindled her relationship with actor Larry Gilman, who is devoted to her and plans to bottle “Ethereal” wine from their vineyard in Brentwood, LA.