Robert Joyce is a preacher from a small town in central Arkansas. He is the subject of an interesting online conversation.
A video of Joyce went viral, and people started arguing about who he was because his voice sounds a lot like Elvis Presley’s.
Tom Mennel, who has always been a big Elvis fan, told The Express about his strong belief about Joyce’s real identity. Mennel, who is 61 years old and has loved Elvis since he was six, is sure that Joyce is really Elvis. He said that he hoped Joyce would one day come clean about who he really is.
He said, “Mr. Joyce is Elvis to me, and I hope he will stand up and say who he is one day.” “Perhaps God is using Elvis’ voice to minister to broken hearts and broken lives,” he said about the spiritual side of the resemblance.
Mennel thought about what he would tell Elvis if he were still alive. “If Elvis were still alive, I would tell him, ‘My friend and brother, we are of the same spirit,'” he said. “In Christ, we are one.”
It’s amazing how a simple online video can start a huge amount of talk and speculation about identity, nostalgia, and the lasting impact of cultural icons like Elvis Presley.